Event Series Boogie Bash 11am & Noon

Boogie Bash 11am & Noon

The Woodlands Children's Museum

Nickelodeon Worldwide Day of Play - In observance of Nickelodeon’s annual event that encourages children to turn off the screens and “get up, get out, and go play,” today’s TWO […]

Event Series Drop and Shop Workshop

Drop and Shop Workshop

The Woodlands Children's Museum

Scheduled just in time to help parents squeeze in some last-minute shopping and wrapping, Drop and Shop Workshop gives children a chance to make a few holiday preparations of their […]

Tom’s Fun Band 4 showtimes

The Woodlands Children's Museum

Let the dancing and singing begin! We welcome back again Tom’s Fun Band as they command the stage presenting interactive children’s music with world class “silliness” in a manner that […]

Event Series Tanabata Celebration

Tanabata Celebration

The Woodlands Children's Museum

Tuesday July 9th at 10:30am, Noon and 1:30pm. Enjoy hands on activities and Japanese Dance performances. Tanabata, (Evening of the Seventh) or the Star Festival, is held on the evening […]